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    From 25 May, you’ll be able to make a choice about how the NHS uses your confidential patient information for reasons other than your care. 77% of the public say they are confident in the ability of the NHS to protect their patient data. Are you?
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    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
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    We have worked with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, as part of the Quality Matters initiative, to help make it easier for the public and professionals to understand how to make and respond to social care complaints.
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    We want to help people in danger of self-harm and suicide, making sure they get the support they need. Your story can help.
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    Politicians often talk about the health service as being ‘our NHS’. But if it truly belongs to us then it’s time for a shift in the relationship.
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    Our research shows that emergency readmissions to hospital have risen by 9.35% in the last year. Janet's story shows why it's important we understand why this is happening.
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    Three in five of us will become an unpaid carer at some point in our lives. Kate* tells us about what it was like becoming a carer for her husband and the difficulties they faced.
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    Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership has been working with Healthwatch Surrey to create a programme of Citizen Ambassadors as a way to reach out to more people in the community. Hear more about Angela’s experience as a Citizen Ambassador.
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    Local Healthwatch aim to speak to every section of their community about their experiences of care. However, some communities face more issues than others when it comes to accessing the right support and find it difficult to have their views heard.
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    Despite the publication of the Accessible Information Standard nearly three years ago, people continue to tell Healthwatch about their struggle to access NHS services. Find out how Healthwatch Redbridge have been making a difference.
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    With 152 Healthwatch organisations across the country, we need to make good use of technology to help our teams connect and learn from each other. Read how we’re using an online community platform to help Healthwatch make more people’s voices heard.
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    It’s vital that patients are treated with compassion, and that professionals are empowered to show it. We look at four ways services can be more empathetic to improve care.
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    The mother of a teenager with Down syndrome shares her views about what would make NHS services better for people with learning disabilities.
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    Bob tells us how he enjoys making a difference to people's experiences of health and social care services after volunteering with his local Healthwatch.
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    5053 people volunteered with Healthwatch last year. Find out why people got involved this Volunteers’ Week.
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    After graduating with a degree in public health, Kay gained experience with Healthwatch Gloucestershire to help get her first job in the sector.
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    The NHS regularly publishes data about the number of written complaints, but we want to know if every complaint is being recorded and used as an opportunity to learn.
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    Simon and his family were self-funding his care in a local care home, who were supporting him well with his dementia. However, in 2017 their funds began to run low and they were approaching the £23,250 threshold.
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    Our new report looks at why it is important to review the care of people with dementia. With new research indicating that people with dementia are not always getting the support they need, David shares his experience of caring for his wife.
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    Maxine tells us about the multitude of factors that contributed to her mental illness as a new mum, as well as the support she thinks other mothers need to help them stay well.
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    Nearly 700 people in Birmingham and Solihull told their local Healthwatch about the changes that they would like to see made to their local NHS after the Government's promise to invest billions into services. Read what people said.
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    Rachel experienced anxiety and depression throughout her pregnancy and after her baby was born. Read her story to understand just how important it is that mums and their partners receive the right support for their mental health.
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    As well as a difficult pregnancy, Kristy felt pressure both to breastfeed and to produce 'the perfect family'. Thanks to the support from her husband and home birth midwives, Kristy sought the help she needed for her mental health.
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    After months of caring for an unwell baby who was screaming 15 hours a day, Helen found herself resenting her daughter and wanting to leave her family. She explains how speaking to a counsellor has helped her to recognise and manage her depression.
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    Maria faced a number of challenges as a new mum both during and after her pregnancy. The focus from staff on her weight, a history of depression and anxiety, and the mental health challenges her partner, Simon*, faced all led to a feeling of failure.
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    Helen had postnatal depression (PND) following the birth of her son. She explains what she thinks could have made her first weeks as a new mum better, and the importance of making sure parents get the help they need, when they need it.
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    It took two and a half years for Jane’s* son to be diagnosed with gastritis. She explains how months and months of pushing for him to get the help he needed affected her mental health.
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    After a traumatic birth, Zoe struggled to get the support she needed to prepare for the arrival of her second baby. She shares her story about the impact this had on her mental health, and how she’d like things to be different for other mums.
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    Sharelle had a traumatic experience giving birth to her first son, which caused her to become anxious when she was pregnant with her second. This is her story.
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    Last year, thousands of women told us about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy – including those who lost their babies. As part of Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared.
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    For Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared about the impact that miscarriage and stillbirth had on their mental health, and how the support given to parents should improve.
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    In our blog for Baby Loss Awareness Week, people share their experience of baby loss, the impact it had on their mental health and the support they wish they’d received.
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    We all love the NHS, but it can’t improve without our help. That’s why we’re asking people to share their experience of services, so care can be made better for everyone.
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    Sir Robert Francis QC explains how hospitals can cultivate public trust in complaints. Read more.
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    Over 336,000 people shared their views with Healthwatch about their experience of health and social care, including the changes that they would like to see made following the release of the NHS Long Term Plan. Take a look at last year's highlights.
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    Student Rebecca explains how volunteering has helped her put what she’s learnt at university into practice.
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    Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills and make a difference in your community. Find out why students Jo, Sophie, Poppy and Emma got involved with Healthwatch West Sussex.
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    Our latest research illustrates the chain of factors which impact on people’s experience in A&E. The purpose of our research is not to argue for or against replacing the current four-hour target, but to inform the ongoing debate surrounding NHS.
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    From April, all new mothers will receive a six-week mental health check-up. Find out why this would not have happened if people had remained silent.
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    We examine what the NHS can do to improve health support for the trans community.
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    We look at the lessons that publicly paid-for wheelchair and home equipment services can learn from the stories people have told us.
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    What can we learn from those forced to self-isolation because of a health problem? Rosie Adamson-Clark, shares her experience and top tips for remaining positive.
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    Read people's accounts of how COVID-19 has affected their lives, routine, and mental health. We've included links to where you can get advice and information too.
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    Mazzie and Cindy, both 69 from Brighton, talk us through their volunteering experience to help with the COVID-19 effort.