Around 700,000 people in the UK are autistic and it's vital that health services meet their needs. Here's four ways your views have been making sure people with autism are listened to.
Sustainability and Transformation Plans could fundamentally change the way the NHS works. With the first plans now being published our Interim Chair calls on the NHS to work hand-in-hand with communities to get these reforms right.
This week sees the first local Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) being published across England.
In response to the Care Quality Commission's State of Care report, our Interim Chair, Jane Mordue, calls for the health and social care sector to meaningfully involve the public in decisions about health and social care.
Most people will have a blood test at some point in their lives. Take a look at just some of the ways local Healthwatch in London have been working to improve blood testing services.
Up and down the country, local Healthwatch are finding new ways to make sure people get to share their views of health and care. We look at Healthwatch Dudley’s award-winning approach to listening to young people.
We spoke to Healthwatch Dudley to find out more about their work to ensure more young people have their say.
With over a quarter of a million older people living in care homes, what is local Healthwatch doing to make sure these services meet the needs of residents?
Read our submission to the government consultation on proposed data security standards and data sharing in the NHS and social care.
Over the course of summer the Healthwatch network has been helping to raise public awareness of the National Data Guardian’s report and the opportunity for people to share what they think via the consultation.