1. Advice and Information -

    Receiving a dementia diagnosis can be a life-changing event, but knowing what support is available to you and what steps to take next can help you or a loved one process the diagnosis and plan for the future.
  2. Advice and Information -

    People are often in need of out-of-hours medical assistance. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.
  4. Advice and Information -

    The usual processes the NHS follows to discharge you from hospital have changed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what you can expect when it’s time to leave hospital.
  5. Advice and Information -

    With more and more appointments happening online, we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
  6. Advice and Information -

    The NHS wants to make it easier and safer for patients to get the right treatment when they need it, without waiting a long time to be seen in A&E. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
  7. Advice and Information -

    The wait for planned medical care or surgery can be frustrating. That’s why you must get regular and accessible updates while you wait.
  8. News -

    Recent changes to hospital discharge policy and processes have been positive. But the experiences we hear from people and families still vary. Find out what we're calling for to ensure people get the support they need during this time.
  9. News -

    With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.
  10. News -

    Healthwatch England is concerned that coverage in recent days showing the NHS at breaking point will exacerbate already-low public confidence that people can get urgent and emergency care when they need it most.
  11. News -

    The NHS will buy thousands of extra beds in care homes and other settings to help discharge more patients to free up hospital beds. Our national director Louise Ansari responds.
  12. News -

    Our national director, Louise Ansari, responds to the latest NHS performance stats.
  13. Blog -

    NHS 111 First is now obliged to offer pre-booked slots at A&E for people needing non-life-threatening care.
  14. News -

    One year ago, NHS England published its elective care recovery plan. Our national director, Louise Ansari, comments on the progress of this plan and responds to the latest NHS performance stats.
  15. News -

    Read our response to the latest A&E figures published by NHS England.
  16. News -

    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make decisions about your healthcare. It is feedback from people like Karl that inspired us to launch the Your Care, Your Way campaign last year.
  17. Response -

    NHS cuts elective backlog with longest waiters down a quarter in one month. Read our response.
  18. News -

    Recent research highlighted that long delays for hospital treatment, last-minute cancellations, and a lack of personalised information and support were huge concerns for people. Find out what we're calling for.
  19. Report -

    NHS and social care services only make the best decisions if they listen to the people they care for. Read our Annual Report to Parliament to see how your feedback has helped decision-makers prioritise what matters most.
  20. Response -

    The latest Emergency Department performance figures show the number of people waiting over 12 hours to be seen have gone down. Yet, still many people are waiting too long for vital NHS care. Read our response.
  21. Response -

    Public satisfaction with the NHS has slumped to its lowest level ever recorded by the British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA). Despite this, the public shows very strong support for the NHS. Read our response.
  22. News -

    As we celebrate 75 years of our NHS and look to a future where everyone can get the care they need, we celebrate some of the people who took the time to share their experiences with us and helped make care better for everyone. 
  23. News -

    Take a look at our work on women's health concerns, and what we're calling for to improve and tackle health inequalities.
  24. Response -

    With junior doctors staging a four-day strike, we urge all parties involved to find a resolution.
  25. News -

    The latest NHS data shows that a record number of people are waiting for care. However, our new research indicates that there is also a hidden waiting list, and more needs to be done to understand what it's like for people trying to get referred.
  26. Blog -

    Find out what was included in the recent urgent and emergency care recovery plan, and how this will affect services next winter.
  27. News -

    Read what the public think about cancer care, and what we're calling for to make critical improvements.
  28. News -

    We welcome the creation of an independent public inquiry to learn lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. The lessons from this inquiry could improve how government, NHS England, health and care providers and commissioners respond to future pandemics or public health emergencies.
  29. Response -

    Using your feedback on care, we share with the Government the issues we believe should be included in the objectives for the NHS for the years ahead. Read our recommendations.
  30. Blog -

    Our research on GP referrals highlighted the frustration patients experience due to long waits and a lack of support. This latest analysis looks at people’s experience of getting a cancer referral.
  31. Report -

    With record NHS waiting times, the ongoing impact of the pandemic, and industrial action in the NHS, we've conducted research to understand the extent to which NHS patients are having their care disrupted and the impact this is having.
  32. News -

    Our new research highlights that pressures in the NHS have serious consequences on people's lives and widen health inequalities.
  33. Response -

    Healthwatch England welcomes NHS England’s simplification of cancer waiting times data. A simplified care timeline can help patients and their loved ones to have a better understanding of what milestones and timelines they can expect during their cancer treatment journey.
  34. Response -

    We have welcomed the introduction of Martha's rule for hospital patients.
  35. News -

    Our new research shows worryingly low public confidence in being able to access NHS services. A third of adults in England lack confidence that they can access timely care, including GP services, mental health support and hospital care. Read the findings and our calls to action.
  36. News -

    We explore the three main challenges people face accessing health and care services when they live alone with limited or no support.
  37. Blog -

    Good communication with patients goes a long way.
  38. Blog -

    The public needs a bold vision for health and care services, informed by the wealth of patient experience we’ve collected over the past decade.
  39. News -

    With the NHS under immense pressure, we look at the impact that waiting for a diagnosis, test, or treatment can have on individuals and some of the potential solutions that might help.
  40. Blog -

    Chris McCann, Director of Communications Insight and Campaigns at Healthwatch England, explains the role people can play in improving health outcomes in their communities.
  41. Report -

    This briefing shows how engagement and participation with people and communities can deliver real benefits to the health and care system.
  42. Response -

    The latest NHS data shows that a record number of people are waiting for care. However, it’s vital people still come forward this winter for the healthcare they need.
  43. Blog -

    As Remembrance Day approaches, we hear from army veteran Shaun about how long waiting times affected his ability to access NHS care.
  44. Report -

    This briefing shows how people's experiences can be used to support the development of a long-term vision for the NHS to strengthen these services.
  45. Response -

    Our response to NHS England's announcement on travel options for people facing long waits for care.
  46. Report -

    Find out how the NHS can work better across teams to help people who are receiving care.
  47. Blog -

    Our research reveals worrying problems with hospital discharge arrangements. Many people told us they are not given the right support or information when being discharged from hospital. Read their experiences and our calls to action.
  48. Advice and Information -

    Did you know you can choose which hospital you go to when referred for a test, diagnosis, or treatment? Find out how.
  49. Report -

    Performance numbers and the media highlight the issues the NHS faces – but they only tell part of the story. Our new report brings to light the public’s perspective on the state of health and social care.