Healthwatch England welcomes new Committee member

Jane Laughton joins the Healthwatch England Committee.
Jane Laughton is a middle-aged white woman. She is wearing glasses, a black and white shirt and has short, light-brown, curly hair. She is talk to other memebers of Healthwatch at a conference.

For the last five years, Jane has been Chief Executive of Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, bringing the voice of patients to local commissioners and decision-makers and pressing for improvements to health and social care.

Jane is also a non-executive director of Active Partners Trust, a charity working in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire that addresses inequality and empowers everyone to be active.

Before joining Healthwatch, Jane worked in NHS service improvement in Derby and whole system transformation in Nottingham, and as a researcher and auditor at the Audit Commission. 

Find out more about our Committee.