1. News -

    Published today, Every Voice Matters, our Annual Report to Parliament 2015-16, outlines how together we are putting people at the heart of care.
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    Since 2014, ‘How do I get an NHS dentist?’ has been one of the most common questions people in Bradford and Kirklees have asked their local Healthwatch. Together they have been working to try and help improve access to local dental services.
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    Read our new report and find out what local Healthwatch have heard about people's views on NHS dental services.
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    A trip to the dentist should be straightforward. But for people who are Deaf it can be extremely difficult when services aren't accessible. We spoke to Mark, a Deaf patient in Wokingham about his experience as a mystery shopper.
  5. Report -

    Find out what three key issues people face when accessing NHS dental care in our new report.