1. News -

    The NHS in England has published a ten year plan setting its priorities for the future.
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    Download and view our digital tools so that people can have their say on how to improve their local NHS.
  3. Blog -

    Maxine tells us about the multitude of factors that contributed to her mental illness as a new mum, as well as the support she thinks other mothers need to help them stay well.
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    Rachel experienced anxiety and depression throughout her pregnancy and after her baby was born. Read her story to understand just how important it is that mums and their partners receive the right support for their mental health.
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    As well as a difficult pregnancy, Kristy felt pressure both to breastfeed and to produce 'the perfect family'. Thanks to the support from her husband and home birth midwives, Kristy sought the help she needed for her mental health.
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    After months of caring for an unwell baby who was screaming 15 hours a day, Helen found herself resenting her daughter and wanting to leave her family. She explains how speaking to a counsellor has helped her to recognise and manage her depression.
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    Maria faced a number of challenges as a new mum both during and after her pregnancy. The focus from staff on her weight, a history of depression and anxiety, and the mental health challenges her partner, Simon*, faced all led to a feeling of failure.
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    Helen had postnatal depression (PND) following the birth of her son. She explains what she thinks could have made her first weeks as a new mum better, and the importance of making sure parents get the help they need, when they need it.
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    It took two and a half years for Jane’s* son to be diagnosed with gastritis. She explains how months and months of pushing for him to get the help he needed affected her mental health.
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    After a traumatic birth, Zoe struggled to get the support she needed to prepare for the arrival of her second baby. She shares her story about the impact this had on her mental health, and how she’d like things to be different for other mums.
  11. Report -

    Find out what's working well for people and what needs to improve when it comes to people about their mental health experiences before, during and after pregnancy, in our new report.
  12. Blog -

    Sharelle had a traumatic experience giving birth to her first son, which caused her to become anxious when she was pregnant with her second. This is her story.
  13. News -

    In our new report, we share what parents have told us about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy, and call on services to give people more opportunities to talk about their mental wellbeing.
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    Find out about our celebration of the contribution made by local staff and volunteers who helped gather more than half a million people's views last year.
  15. Blog -

    Last year, thousands of women told us about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy – including those who lost their babies. As part of Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared.
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    For Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared about the impact that miscarriage and stillbirth had on their mental health, and how the support given to parents should improve.
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    In our blog for Baby Loss Awareness Week, people share their experience of baby loss, the impact it had on their mental health and the support they wish they’d received.
  18. News -

    One in five local Healthwatch have identified better maternity services as a priority for their communities in the past two years. We look at the work one local Healthwatch did to find out what women think a great maternity service looks like.
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    Published today, Every Voice Matters, our Annual Report to Parliament 2015-16, outlines how together we are putting people at the heart of care.
  20. Response -

    Maternity services in England must become safer, more personalised, kinder, professional and more family-friendly.