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    We want to help people in danger of self-harm and suicide, making sure they get the support they need. Your story can help.
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    We all love the NHS, but it can’t improve without our help. That’s why we’re asking people to share their experience of services, so care can be made better for everyone.
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    Sir Robert Francis QC explains how hospitals can cultivate public trust in complaints. Read more.
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    Over 336,000 people shared their views with Healthwatch about their experience of health and social care, including the changes that they would like to see made following the release of the NHS Long Term Plan. Take a look at last year's highlights.
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    Student Rebecca explains how volunteering has helped her put what she’s learnt at university into practice.
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    Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills and make a difference in your community. Find out why students Jo, Sophie, Poppy and Emma got involved with Healthwatch West Sussex.
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    Our latest research illustrates the chain of factors which impact on people’s experience in A&E. The purpose of our research is not to argue for or against replacing the current four-hour target, but to inform the ongoing debate surrounding NHS.
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    From April, all new mothers will receive a six-week mental health check-up. Find out why this would not have happened if people had remained silent.
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    We examine what the NHS can do to improve health support for the trans community.
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    We look at the lessons that publicly paid-for wheelchair and home equipment services can learn from the stories people have told us.
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    What can we learn from those forced to self-isolation because of a health problem? Rosie Adamson-Clark, shares her experience and top tips for remaining positive.
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    Read people's accounts of how COVID-19 has affected their lives, routine, and mental health. We've included links to where you can get advice and information too.
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    Mazzie and Cindy, both 69 from Brighton, talk us through their volunteering experience to help with the COVID-19 effort.
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    We share how your feedback has improved hospital waiting rooms for people with sensory disabilities.
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    The manager of a care home in Devon tells us that feedback from her residents’ loved ones has helped to provide the best possible level of care.
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    The pandemic has seen a rapid roll-out of virtual NHS consultations. Working with National Voices, Traverse, and PPL, we've found out how they are working for people, and how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments.
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    Find out how Healthwatch Wiltshire worked with other organisations to improve dementia care, winning them the awards for 'The impact we make with partners' at this year's Healthwatch network awards.
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    Two volunteers from Healthwatch Northamptonshire worked with a local hospital to make real changes for the patients. Find out why this important work won them a 2020 Healthwatch network award.
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    Healthwatch Leeds used people’s experiences of mental health crisis support to improve services for those who need them. The impact of this work has won them a 2020 Healthwatch Network Award.
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    In our annual report to Parliament, our Chair Sir Robert Francis QC reflects on the role the public can play in tackling the challenges brought about by COVID-19.
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    During COVID-19, people have relied on NHS 111 more than ever to get urgent medical advice. Our latest research looks at people's experiences of NHS 111 and awareness of the new A&E time slot booking service.
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    Our updated strategy includes a stronger focus to understand and amplify the views of those who are not heard by health and care services. Our national director explains why.
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    Lack of access to NHS dentistry has intensified as an issue for people over the last 18 months. Our latest research is a stark reminder that it is an issue decision-makers must react to now, to protect our health.