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    New campaign calls on the public to their experiences of NHS services to help make care better for all.
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    Here's what people have already told us about their experiences of hospital care, mental health support and social care. #SpeakUp2020 and tell us about the changes that you would like to see.
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    We spoke to 47 young people to find out how they want extra funding to be used, so they can access the mental health support they need.
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    Protect your loved ones and protect the nation, volunteer to help those that are most vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) stay at home. Join the army of NHS volunteers today.
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    During lockdown, Tony was admitted to hospital with chest pains. His son, Robin, 35, talks to us about the difficulties family members face trying to find out what’s happening when a loved one is in hospital.
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    COVID-19 poses a unique challenge for health and social care professionals when talking to someone with hearing loss. Here are some important tips to help you communicate effectively.
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    In our latest briefing, we look at the key issues the public have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the Healthwatch Awards 2020.
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    We are calling on people over 55 to share their experiences to help improve support after research indicates that they are the least likely to believe care has improved during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    We celebrated the huge contribution made by local Healthwatch staff and volunteers at Healthwatch Network Awards 2020. Find out who won.