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    The Government is now consulting on new standards to strengthen the security of health and care information and to help you make informed choices about how your data is used.
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    When people complained that they couldn’t get GP appointments in Tottenham Hale, local Healthwatch decided to find out the root cause of the problem.
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    With the NHS recently announcing £6.5m of additional funding for gender identity services next year, we take a look at the progress that has been made so far, and what happens next.
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    Volunteers play a key role in helping local Healthwatch speak to as many people as possible in their community. But recruiting and keeping volunteers is not always straightforward. Healthwatch Islington explains how they invest in their volunteers.
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    Demand for healthcare is increasing, but so are the costs of delivering it. Traditional support needs to change to better meet people’s needs.
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    With students across the country starting university soon, we spoke to Becky to find out what it was like to be a student volunteer at Healthwatch Sheffield.
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    Services are going through major changes that aim to help make them more efficient and better at delivering tailored support. However, these reforms will only work if services listen to what the public wants.
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    With over a quarter of a million older people living in care homes, what is local Healthwatch doing to make sure these services meet the needs of residents?
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    Across England, reforms are taking place that aim to make health and care services better at working together to meet your individual needs.
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    Up and down the country, local Healthwatch are finding new ways to make sure people get to share their views of health and care. We look at Healthwatch Dudley’s award-winning approach to listening to young people.
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    Most people will have a blood test at some point in their lives. Take a look at just some of the ways local Healthwatch in London have been working to improve blood testing services.
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    Published today, Every Voice Matters, our Annual Report to Parliament 2015-16, outlines how together we are putting people at the heart of care.
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    Sustainability and Transformation Plans could fundamentally change the way the NHS works. With the first plans now being published our Interim Chair calls on the NHS to work hand-in-hand with communities to get these reforms right.
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    Around 700,000 people in the UK are autistic and it's vital that health services meet their needs. Here's four ways your views have been making sure people with autism are listened to.
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    On average 13 men take their life through suicide every day in the UK alone. During the Movember campaign, we spoke to a local Healthwatch to hear what people think could help tackle this issue.
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    Yesterday, the Care Quality Commission placed a home care provider into Special Measures due to inadequate care. We find out what local Healthwatch did to raise the issue.
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    Jane was shocked to discover that her son, who has schizophrenia, was living in squalid conditions, despite having an agency employed to support him. We explain some of the wider problems we have heard about a range of non-regulated services.
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    Since 2014, ‘How do I get an NHS dentist?’ has been one of the most common questions people in Bradford and Kirklees have asked their local Healthwatch. Together they have been working to try and help improve access to local dental services.
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    Read our new report and find out what local Healthwatch have heard about people's views on NHS dental services.
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    The Care Quality Commission has announced that Jane Mordue has been appointed as our Chair.
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    A trip to the dentist should be straightforward. But for people who are Deaf it can be extremely difficult when services aren't accessible. We spoke to Mark, a Deaf patient in Wokingham about his experience as a mystery shopper.
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    In her first act as permanent Chair of patient champion Healthwatch England, Jane Mordue has announced that Imelda Redmond is to take up the role of National Director from 9 January 2017.
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    Healthwatch is supported by over 6,000 volunteers who give their time to help improve health and care services. To celebrate International Volunteer Day, we spoke to people from across the country about what motivates them to donate their time.
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    The NHS is looking for better ways to make sure that people with urgent medical problems get the care they need, when they need it. We look at how local Healthwatch have been working together to ensure people have a say.
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    Help encourage more people to #SpeakUp and talk to local Healthwatch about their experiences.
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    Analysis by the national health and care consumer champion, Healthwatch England, has identified the key issues the public want to see policy makers and health professionals focus on over the next 12 months.