1. Response -

    Read our response to the news that the testing of changes to the maximum waiting times for non-urgent treatment will be extended.
  2. Response -

    Read our response to evidence from Public Health England that COVID-19 is having a disproportionate impact on people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities.
  3. Response -

    Care Quality Commission's report today shows COVID-19 is magnifying inequalities and “risks turning fault lines into chasms”.
  4. Response -

    We have written to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care expressing our concern around the current guidance on visits to care homes. Read our letter and the Governments response.
  5. Response -

    Our National Director, Imelda Redmond, responds to CQC’s COVID-19 inpatient survey, highlighting the importance of getting discharge right for patients and their loved ones.
  6. Response -

    NHS England want to hear from patients, clinicians and the public on their proposed set of performance measures for A&E.